Our flagship school is the VALE ACADEMY OF PERFORMING ARTS in South Wales. But everyone calls us VAPA; it's just stuck. For YOUR academy of performing arts, the V stands for our shared VISION.
And to make that vision a reality there are three essential elements.
Firstly, content is key. This comes as part of your package to set you up at the beginning of every new term. Each workshop, production or showcase has been written and tailored specifically to suit by us. With music, choreography & direction ideas and all musical tracks and technical aspects sorted; ready to go and be brought to life by you and your team.
"The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see."
Secondly, the constant drive for amazing teaching has always been at the heart of VAPA. Your training with us will include observing our sessions, guidance on teaching each discipline as well as how to find the right calibre of tutors to join your team along the way.
Thirdly, we will also oversee all the not so fun stuff! Leave the website, accounting and marketing training to us as we set you on your path to a rewarding, creative and flexible career.
So what do you need to bring to the table?
All VAPA franchise owners will need to have a passion for performing arts and teaching children, as well as a drive and enthusiasm to take the tools we provide, and use them as a strong platform to create an academy of your own. An academy to be proud of.